Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun times in Alliance instances

Like I said. I stopped playing Ethelwulf (for a while).

So, I started a lovely female Druid named Witte ( I don’t have any screenshots cos it’s maintenance atm). I played her quite a lot. I really enjoyed playing the lower level Alliance quests (as I had never done them before). My new favourite zone? It has to be Westfall. Its just…awesome! So pretty and the quests are great fun!

Anyway, I played Witte up to level 24. But, the one difference between her and any of my other toons is that I levelled quite alot by running instances. Not only had I never really tried out too many instances in the past, but I had never even had an opportunity to try out the Alliance ones.

The Deadmines:

The first time I did this instance was with a group with my girlfriend and 3 other randoms. I found it really fun and very different. I love the way it changes from a mine, to a weird goblin workshop-thingo to a BOAT! A frickin boat! Inside a cave!
It was really very fun. It helped that we had some experienced players with us. I was happy because I even had a go at tanking on my druid. Was altogether a fun experience.

The Stockades:
I did not do this instance with a group. Instead, My girlfriend and I took turns running through each others alt’s with out DK’s. I enjoyed how simple the layout of the instance is. It was a shame that nothing good drops from the mobs usually though. Overall, I really enjoyed playing Witte. She is the first female toon I have played past lvl 5. Pity that choosing to spec feral negates the gender choice altogether anyway!

I’m still catching the blog up with the stuff I have done, so expect another post soon.

1 comment:

  1. These old instances are a lot of fun. As you might have read on my blog, I don't group for instances either (anymore). But I used to, in the old days before BC. I did all the 5-mans and a few raids and it was a lot of fun back then. Now when I re-visited these old dungeons it's still a lot of fun, especially since I can slaughter those mobs by the hundreds. One of my favorites is Stratholme.
