Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tradeskills only tonight. Despite how much I want Eth to get a mount

Can u see Eth's Sewer Rat on the slab of ice over his shoulder? Apparently Sewer Rats only like swimming in the warm waters of their native sewers.
So after the hours i spent on the blog last night, I am fully up to date with my posts.

Today, after spending a whole lot of the day at Uni, I got home and levelled Ethelwulf’s Fishing Skill. After swimming to my favourite area East of Unu’pe in Borean Tundra, I used my newly acquired Find Fish skill and went to town on those pools. I levelled from about 262 to 276. There was one other player fishing there (which I wasn’t too happy about) but he left quite quickly. It was interesting that Eth's Sewer Rat

Still no Sea Turtle Mount! Not that I really expected to catch it though. I was just proud that I got to Master Fisherman rank. I remembered not to hide my UI when taking a screenshot this time!

After about 1.5 hours of fishing I hearthed to Dalaran. I then proceeded to spend copious amounts of gold on levelling Eth’s Engineering. I think I spent around 500 gold!!!

Oh well. At least Eth is now at his Engineering limit for his level (level 225 btw).
After levelling my proffesions, I was a bit too tired to do any questing. Ethelwulf was quite sad when he found out he wouldn't be questing. His pleading in the streets of Darkshire almost convinced me to change my mind but I have to get up early tommorow morning and go to a museum :S

But I let him know who was boss. Pleading: IGNORED!

Ethelwulf at the moment in level 27 by the way.

1 comment:

  1. You lucky s.o.b.! Sewer Rat... I still haven't got that one. Granted, I didn't spend a lot of time fishing for it. However, I did reach my goal of 50+ pets and whatever comes after that is just gravy. Oh and fishing rocks eh?
