Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ethelwulf becomes Noble. Well now its official at least!

A few days ago I was reading a twink blog (the name eludes me) and I was informed of the Noblegarden event that was happening in the following few days. ‘The Noble, what an awesome title for Ethelwulf my Paladin’ I thought. From that point on I was sure Ethelwulf would be a Noble. The requirements for this event achievement can be found here: http://www.wowwiki.com/Noblegarden

I was only able to play at about 8pm on the first evening of Noblegarden. Although Ethelwulf was in Stormwind, I decided on visiting Dolanaar in Teldrassil first because I assumed it would be less busy than Goldshire, a town a mere two minutes walk from the most popular Alliance city in Azeroth! I was not wrong. My girlfriend also was keen on collecting eggs. She went to Goldshire and it was noticeably busier there. Within about 2 or 3 hours I had not only looted all the necessary items from eggs, but I had eaten all the chocolates I needed, completed the two quests as well as had my bunny do the nasty nasty with another person’s bunny. I must say I was very lucky with my drops as it took my gf a good 1.5 hours longer to get the required chocolates to buy her bunny. After getting about 150 eggs from Dolannar, I decided to use my hearthstone to go back to Dalaran and check out the other towns involved in the event.

This worked very well because as I went around collecting more eggs, my bunny had an opportunity to mate with another bunny in a different town. I collected eggs/watched bunny-porn in all the towns for another hour or so. I then hearthed back to Dalaran (again) and used Spring Flowers on the female version of every race. This took a butt-load of time. The rarest combination, judging from my own experience as well as the people on /2, seemed to be female orcs, followed closely by a female dwarfs.
Needless to say the next two achievements, Hard Boiled and Desert Rose, took a looooong time and involved much corpse jumping. Eventually I completed all the quests required for the total-achievement/title. I was with my gf’s character, a Human ShadowPriest, when I got the title. Unfortunately, I didn’t realise that by hiding the game’s UI, I also hid the sweet-sweet-golden-awesome achievement notification. So the screenshot you see here is expectedly bland. Oh well, it still is a picture of the moment Ethelwulf became a Noble!

By the way, for anyone who still hasn’t completed these amazingly-easy event- achievements WoW Insider has an awesome post about how to complete all the achievements http://www.wowinsider.com/2009/04/25/the-overachiever-guide-to-noblegarden-achievements/. Just letting you guys know, the whole achievement took me over 6 hours all up to do. Not quick, but for such an awesomely-named and non-level specific title, it is well worth the trouble.

My thoughts on Noblegarden:

While I am happy with the fact that I got the achievement so quickly, in hindsight I wish it had taken somewhat longer. Even it was just so that the completion of the quests felt all that sweeter. Also, I have to mention that the realm I play on allowed for relatively egg-camper free collecting. I have heard reports, mainly from Thottbot and WoW Insider, that on some servers each spawn point is camped by a different player. I did not have this trouble, but now I see why the hype over Noblegarden didn’t subside after the first day: many people still cannot get enough eggs!
I have to mention that since I got the title, flowers have been spawning around my feet at seemingly random intervals. I will try and get a screenshot when the servers come back online tomorrow. This is really cool and I hope that it continues to happen even after the event concludes.

I am very happy that I put the time into this event. It has made me more inclined to look into other upcoming events too.
#Note: I will attempt to add some more screenshots to this post when I get the chance.

1 comment:

  1. I got the title but it still bugs me that after ~300 eggs I still didn't get the dress and 2-piece tuxedo. On the other hand the rabbit pet dropped twice. Sheesh.
