Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tradeskills only tonight. Despite how much I want Eth to get a mount

Can u see Eth's Sewer Rat on the slab of ice over his shoulder? Apparently Sewer Rats only like swimming in the warm waters of their native sewers.
So after the hours i spent on the blog last night, I am fully up to date with my posts.

Today, after spending a whole lot of the day at Uni, I got home and levelled Ethelwulf’s Fishing Skill. After swimming to my favourite area East of Unu’pe in Borean Tundra, I used my newly acquired Find Fish skill and went to town on those pools. I levelled from about 262 to 276. There was one other player fishing there (which I wasn’t too happy about) but he left quite quickly. It was interesting that Eth's Sewer Rat

Still no Sea Turtle Mount! Not that I really expected to catch it though. I was just proud that I got to Master Fisherman rank. I remembered not to hide my UI when taking a screenshot this time!

After about 1.5 hours of fishing I hearthed to Dalaran. I then proceeded to spend copious amounts of gold on levelling Eth’s Engineering. I think I spent around 500 gold!!!

Oh well. At least Eth is now at his Engineering limit for his level (level 225 btw).
After levelling my proffesions, I was a bit too tired to do any questing. Ethelwulf was quite sad when he found out he wouldn't be questing. His pleading in the streets of Darkshire almost convinced me to change my mind but I have to get up early tommorow morning and go to a museum :S

But I let him know who was boss. Pleading: IGNORED!

Ethelwulf at the moment in level 27 by the way.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ethelwulf becomes Noble. Well now its official at least!

A few days ago I was reading a twink blog (the name eludes me) and I was informed of the Noblegarden event that was happening in the following few days. ‘The Noble, what an awesome title for Ethelwulf my Paladin’ I thought. From that point on I was sure Ethelwulf would be a Noble. The requirements for this event achievement can be found here:

I was only able to play at about 8pm on the first evening of Noblegarden. Although Ethelwulf was in Stormwind, I decided on visiting Dolanaar in Teldrassil first because I assumed it would be less busy than Goldshire, a town a mere two minutes walk from the most popular Alliance city in Azeroth! I was not wrong. My girlfriend also was keen on collecting eggs. She went to Goldshire and it was noticeably busier there. Within about 2 or 3 hours I had not only looted all the necessary items from eggs, but I had eaten all the chocolates I needed, completed the two quests as well as had my bunny do the nasty nasty with another person’s bunny. I must say I was very lucky with my drops as it took my gf a good 1.5 hours longer to get the required chocolates to buy her bunny. After getting about 150 eggs from Dolannar, I decided to use my hearthstone to go back to Dalaran and check out the other towns involved in the event.

This worked very well because as I went around collecting more eggs, my bunny had an opportunity to mate with another bunny in a different town. I collected eggs/watched bunny-porn in all the towns for another hour or so. I then hearthed back to Dalaran (again) and used Spring Flowers on the female version of every race. This took a butt-load of time. The rarest combination, judging from my own experience as well as the people on /2, seemed to be female orcs, followed closely by a female dwarfs.
Needless to say the next two achievements, Hard Boiled and Desert Rose, took a looooong time and involved much corpse jumping. Eventually I completed all the quests required for the total-achievement/title. I was with my gf’s character, a Human ShadowPriest, when I got the title. Unfortunately, I didn’t realise that by hiding the game’s UI, I also hid the sweet-sweet-golden-awesome achievement notification. So the screenshot you see here is expectedly bland. Oh well, it still is a picture of the moment Ethelwulf became a Noble!

By the way, for anyone who still hasn’t completed these amazingly-easy event- achievements WoW Insider has an awesome post about how to complete all the achievements Just letting you guys know, the whole achievement took me over 6 hours all up to do. Not quick, but for such an awesomely-named and non-level specific title, it is well worth the trouble.

My thoughts on Noblegarden:

While I am happy with the fact that I got the achievement so quickly, in hindsight I wish it had taken somewhat longer. Even it was just so that the completion of the quests felt all that sweeter. Also, I have to mention that the realm I play on allowed for relatively egg-camper free collecting. I have heard reports, mainly from Thottbot and WoW Insider, that on some servers each spawn point is camped by a different player. I did not have this trouble, but now I see why the hype over Noblegarden didn’t subside after the first day: many people still cannot get enough eggs!
I have to mention that since I got the title, flowers have been spawning around my feet at seemingly random intervals. I will try and get a screenshot when the servers come back online tomorrow. This is really cool and I hope that it continues to happen even after the event concludes.

I am very happy that I put the time into this event. It has made me more inclined to look into other upcoming events too.
#Note: I will attempt to add some more screenshots to this post when I get the chance.

Fishing pwns twinking! Can't believe I just said that...

I don’t know why I did it but I started fishing. Admittedly, I began fishing without much faith that I would continue with it.

Although I have Wrath (and have had it since the midnight launch) my severe Alt-it is basically relegates me to Azeroth! So, in order to have some fun with some of the content I have paid for, I bought a portal to Dalaran to continue my fishing there.

Within I would say about 8 casts in the sewers I had landed a huge rodent Giant Sewer Rat Wow, was I surprised! I was just sitting there catching useless crap when BAM! Rodent in my face!!! Needless to say, this catch instantly made fishing seem much more fun to me.

Within a few dozen more casts/WSG games I had decided I wanted to level my fishing up. And hopefully in the process loot myself a certain Sea Turtle. I guess I had also gotten a bit tired of the time it took for some WSG games to finish!

El’s Extreme Anglin'(, the most awesome WoW fishing guide ever, had some tips for low level toons attempting to get the turtle mount. Under El’s instruction, I made my way (as a level 19) from Dalaran to Moa’ki Harbor in Dragonblight, and then to Unu’pe in Borean Tundra. Once I had those Flight Paths I was able to go fishing out on the coast of Borean Tundra with relative ease. It was only the run from north to south in Dragonblight that was hard for my level. In the end, a helpful level 80 with a Travelling Tundra Mount took me the rest of the way to Moa’ki. However, even on the mount I was aggroed and died twice.

I am now fishing for a small while almost every time I log on Ethelwulf. I am enjoying it quite a lot.

*PS, I know my screenshots have been pretty poor but I took all these new ones last night in anticipation for catching my blog up tonight. In the future I will be more vigilant.

Gettin' my twink on!

I got bored of Witte. There was nothing new I hadn’t played before on my horde feral Druid. And only reason I began levelling Ethelwulf again was the prospect of twinking him out at level 19. I had never twinked a toon out and with over 6k worth of gold in the bank; I felt it was the right time.

So I began looking up gear guides for Paladin twinks. I found an awesome guide at WowWiki It got me very interested. My lovely girlfriend ran me through a whole bunch of instances to get some of the gear. At the same time I was levelling, so it worked out very well. The hardest thing to get was the Cavedweller Bracers

I originally thought they were a bit too low level for a 19 twink but I LUUURV following game guides, so my girlfriend and I proceeded to corpse-jump through the streets of sunny Orgrimmar towards Rage Fire Chasm. Luckily they dropped on our first run. Job Done!

The other things were relatively easy to acquire. Admittedly there were some things that I either didn’t bother getting, or replaced with something equally as good. As I was levelling up I started experimenting with healing instead of DPS. It was nice to get lots of ty’s and thanks while in WSG. I became addicted to the praise. Mmmmm sweet-sweet Praise! Anyway, so about level 16 I decided to re-spec (and also quasi-re-gear) Holy. After a few more instance runs and AH trips, I was ready.

However, I only played for about 2 days at level 19……

Fun times in Alliance instances

Like I said. I stopped playing Ethelwulf (for a while).

So, I started a lovely female Druid named Witte ( I don’t have any screenshots cos it’s maintenance atm). I played her quite a lot. I really enjoyed playing the lower level Alliance quests (as I had never done them before). My new favourite zone? It has to be Westfall. Its just…awesome! So pretty and the quests are great fun!

Anyway, I played Witte up to level 24. But, the one difference between her and any of my other toons is that I levelled quite alot by running instances. Not only had I never really tried out too many instances in the past, but I had never even had an opportunity to try out the Alliance ones.

The Deadmines:

The first time I did this instance was with a group with my girlfriend and 3 other randoms. I found it really fun and very different. I love the way it changes from a mine, to a weird goblin workshop-thingo to a BOAT! A frickin boat! Inside a cave!
It was really very fun. It helped that we had some experienced players with us. I was happy because I even had a go at tanking on my druid. Was altogether a fun experience.

The Stockades:
I did not do this instance with a group. Instead, My girlfriend and I took turns running through each others alt’s with out DK’s. I enjoyed how simple the layout of the instance is. It was a shame that nothing good drops from the mobs usually though. Overall, I really enjoyed playing Witte. She is the first female toon I have played past lvl 5. Pity that choosing to spec feral negates the gender choice altogether anyway!

I’m still catching the blog up with the stuff I have done, so expect another post soon.

Back to posting!

Ok. I stopped writing my blog after only 3 posts. I acknowledge that. It’s not like anyone is reading it anyway so what does it matter? And who am I directing this question at?

I was very busy with Uni work I must say. I didn’t really have enough time to even play the game, let alone writer about my experiences within it!

I do, however, feel like continuing on with the blog (as of now). I am going to try and recap on the big things that have happened to me in-game over the last month or so.

Firstly, soon after I posted my last post, I stopped playing Walkure. I just go bored like I do with many of my toons. But I love the game so much that I couldn’t stop play.

That’s where Ethelwulf comes in. I made myself a cool Human Paladin. I already have another Pally on a horde server but I loved that one enough to make an Alliance one.

However, my chronic Alt-itis got the better of me and I stopped playing him at level 7. That’s where Witte comes in. Ill speak about her in my next post.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

I did it. I chose to buy a time-card although, it happened in a rather complex way.

My mind had been switching between yes and no ever since I posted my last blog entry. I was so close to JB HIFI just before work and yet I did not buy one. I still wasn’t sure if I would use it.

About half-way through my shift I knew I had made a mistake. Also, I didn’t finish work until the shops shut so I was pretty much without options. And then, to my surprise, in walked my beautiful girlfriend and her mum. Without hesitation I gave her the 40 bucks and got her to purchase one for me.

So that’s how it went down. I am glad I did end up getting one because I have had a lot of fun tonight. I even started questing again!!!

One quest in particular made me feel like I was playing the expansion more than any other. The quest: ‘Surrender…Not!’. It wasn’t so much the gameplay that made me feel I was playing an expansion. It was the amazing design of the Murloc suit, as well as its custom-made dance, that excited me so much. I spent ages just looking at the graphics. I loved the jumping animations especially.

So, for the last couple of hours I have been questing in the Borean Tundra and really loving it. I have less than a third of my level before I ding, and I feel I will topple that goal very soon. Strand of the Ancients here I come.
Another reason I loved questing tonight was the way in which my DK can take on six mobs of his level at one time. This makes any quest that involves killing, or looting mobs, so much easier. I LOVE IT! Currently I am Blood specced but have no real idea about where I’m going with it. As of yet I haven’t even put in the last talent point!

Thanks to my recent mining efforts, I was able to mine a fair few Cobalt nodes while questing tonight. However, I was saddened to find out they sold for only around 30g a stack. I think I will keep them for now. I intend to take up Engineering as my DK’s second profession anyways

When I get to level 80 I am planning to spec Unholy as I hear it is the best for PvP (which is what I hope I will mainly be doing).

Next time I will be able to play is tomorrow night, and I hope to be very close to 71 by the time I stop. I will update the blog with anything of interest when I get a chance tomorrow.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

WoW time-card expiry

My time-card had expired. In the few days before expiration, I was very unsure as to whether or not I would buy another one. This was mainly because I had just gotten back into the game and was not sure I wanted to fork out AU$40 on a hope that I would continue playing. The few hours I spent in-game over the last few days were exactly how I usually spend my WoW-time. I went mining

In fact, I mined to much that I reached my level cap of 375 and had to go North to get trained again. As my character is a level 70 Death Knight, this was no problem; it just came as a shock. I am now ready to quest in the North without being teased by un-mineable nodes.

However, do I even want to quest? A whole ten levels of more-or-less new content await me ( I do have a level 74 hunter on another realm). I just don’t know whether I will be entertained. I still think I would rather farm and get my epic flying mount. However, there are incentives to levelling.

Namely, the Strand of the Ancients. I really want to try out this new Battleground when I do in-fact level once more. Unfortunately for me, I have over 1 million XP before I can enter it.

As of yet I am undecided whether or not to buy another time-card. I will have to decide this afternoon before I go to work. If I don’t get it, and regret it, I will have a rather boring night.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First Post, I.E. Blog Explanation

Hey everybody. As you can see this is my first entry for this blog. I guess I should explain my purpose for creating this blog.

I have played World of Warcraft for close to two years now. Since then I have had some extremely fun times.

However, in that time I have really not done much at all. I have never raided. The toughest instance I have done is the Mechanar. I do not have a level 80 as of yet (though I am working on it). I have never achieved anything of note in PvP (although I do enjoy a good BG). And this is not due to a lack of time in which to play. I just came out of three months of university holidays. I had ample time to do those things if I wished.

However, just before University started I became extremely frustrated with the amount of time I was spending playing WoW. So I quit. I had played too much and I felt it was taking over my life. I had full intentions to never come back to the game. However, despite having no strong guild ties, or a populated friends list (I was on a new server though), nor any real desire to do anything in-game, my resolve crumbled and I was soon back playing my Death Knight.

Now that I am back playing the game, I feel a desire to log my activities in WoW as well as every so often document my thoughts on any WoW-related topics. I am trying to identify what it is that drew me, despite my intentions or expectations, back into the game (and not for the first time). I hope that this blog is of interest to other extremely casual WoW players in particular. We see the World of Warcraft from a very different view-point than most. However, I also hope that by blogging about the less serious or less ‘hardcore’ side of WoW, I can hold the interest of players who are looking for reflections on a different aspect of their game.